The Girolamo Amati Viola

130,29 €
Questo raro strumento, uno dei primi contralti di proporzioni moderne realizzato dai grandi maestri cremonesi, è una delle più preziose gemme preservate nella Galleria Estense di Modena. Il fatto che questa viola Amati sia rimasta pressoché indisturbata per quasi quattro secoli permette di ammirare uno strumento in condizioni di conservazione inalterate, se non per minori modifiche alla montatura apportate alla fine del XVIII secolo che hanno però conservato il manico originale.

La monografia, uscita nel gennaio 2015, costituisce il primo volume della collana Treasures of Italian Violin Making, e dà modo agli appassionati di cogliere ogni aspetto di questo meraviglioso esemplare attraverso le foto di Jan Röhrmann, le analisi delle struttura dello strumento e della sua vernice compiute rispettivamente presso il Micro CT-Lab di Vienna e da Brigitte Brandmair.

  • Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanrè (2015), a cura di Andrea Zanrè
  • Foto di Jan Röhrmann
  • Testi di Brigitte Brandmair, Carlo Chiesa, Davide Gasparotto, Alberto Giordano, Rudolf Hopfner, Peter Ratcliff, Andrea Zanrè
  • 56 pagine in formato 45,7 per 28,5 cm
  • 800 copie, testi in inglese
  • DVD con contenuti multimediali

“All the mass of data is presented beautifully, with great clarity, sensitivity and appreciation of the subject. Every page is filled with stunning visual imagery (…) It is a revelation”
John Dilworth, The Strad - June 2015
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The Girolamo Amati Viola

IN THE GALLERIA ESTENSE with essays by Brigitte Brandmair, Carlo Chiesa, Davide Gasparotto, Alberto Giordano, Rudolf Hopfner, Peter Ratcliff and Andrea Zanrè
  • 56 pages in 45.7 by 28.5cm format
  • 1:1 illustrations with further magnifications up to 500x
  • 1000 numbered copies, texts in English
Enclosed a CD with video 3D animations from the Micro-CT scanning, 3D photography, and an exclusive recording of the instrument’s sound.

John Dilworth´s vibrant review regarding the book:
"This is surely the most comprehensive technical account ever published about a historical stringed instrument. It is, as might have once been said, 'all singing, all dancing'. We have text, precise measurements, magnificent photography, dendrochronology, CT scanning and varnish examination – even a DVD with 3D imagery and crisp sound recordings. Every modern analytical tool […] has been brought to bear on this magnificent Amati viola, a subject well deserving the attention. All the mass of data is presented beautifully, with great clarity, sensitivity and appreciation of the subject. Every page is filled with stunning visual imagery. To me, and I would hope to anybody interested in our profession, this book is as exciting and glamorous as a cross between Indiana Jones and CSI: an archeological quest through the strata of the instrument and a forensic investigation that is excitingly vivid. It is a revelation. […]

The contributors to the project are the leading authorities in their fields. […] Jan Röhrmann's photography is excellent throughout, and every word from these experts deserves our fullest attention.
The detail views of varnish, arching and modelling are superb, and of course the viola itself is one of the jewels of the classical Cremonese era of violin making: a rare, uncut, almost perfectly preserved Amati contralto.

"It will take me a long while to absorb all the information here; I will be thumbing through the pages for some time. Owning this volume is probably as close as you will get to the sensation of handling the instrument itself, and for me it represents a high-water mark in publishing." - John Dilworth, The Strad Magazine, July 2015
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